
Welcome to a set of pages I've put together about kayaking and other paddle sports. This page is not intended to be the kayak page, though I have tried to maintain a comprehensive and organized list of information relating to kayaking and paddle sports on the web. I also have a set of my own projects that are included in these pages - though they are seperate projects from these pages. I also will try to feature some site that I think is worth a visit. Hopefully this page will continue to expand as I have time and as others contribute info and create their own pages. Please contribute or give some feedback!! I will take anything paddle related (URLs, pics, etc).

How these pages are structured:

As this site grew I divided the information up into subpages. This document explains those divisions. To see a detailed account of how every page is structured you should check out an explanation of the anatomy of an average page.

Primary structure:

Other pages:(Note this info is now a bit out of date!)

Also note:

I use PKP often as an abbreviation for Preston's Kayak Page

Legend: Whitewater FWFlatwater (including: Sea Kayak, Lake, etc)
If you are not autoloading images, you should at least load and cache these two.

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© 1995 Preston Holmes