

Macros are scripts that you can embed into the text of your web pages.

These are very similar to Server Side Include (SS) tags that are used to insert dynamic content info web pages. The difference is that RingMaster macros are processed at the time the page is rendered, while SSI is processed at the time is served at the web server.

Macros are run when a page is rendered and the results they return are inserted into the final HTML. A Macro is capable off doing anything Frontier can do on that platform.

You refer to a macro by putting the name of that macro in curly braces : {}

Although macros are mainly of interest to those familiar with Frontier scripting, there are a number of stock macros available, as well as macros contributed by other users.

To use Frontier scripts as macros, they must be first defined as Macro resources within RIngMaster. You are NOT able to have general Usertalk code embeded in the document and evaluated as a Frontier script. This is in contrast to Frontier's built in website framework, that allows you to evaluate any Usertalk expression inside the curly braces. This is done for security reasons in collaborative applications where it is important that only authorized code is excecuted.

[[note currently there is a hole in this because the parameter block is evaluated. Also need to rework the order in which macro addresses are looked for - could add a search for any (), and the string user.ringmaster.users.]].

Like any Frontier scripts macros can be passed parameters, however if the macro does not require parameters, only the macro name is needed, and no extra parenthesis are needed.

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