We see this wedding as a chance to celebrate our love, life, and plans with close friends and family. It will not be a typical wedding in that the events we have in mind are comparatively low key. Rather than provide everything, we are organizing several events that those who want to can participate in.
Tuesday June 29th
Those in town are welcome to join us for dinner at the Bryant Park Grill (in surprise, Bryant Park)
Wednesday June 30th The Day
Ceremony 1PM : The ceremony will be held in Central Park in the Shakespeare Garden. Currently the plan is rain or shine until we find a good rain backup site, so you may want to have an umbrella (we will have extras on hand).
If you are walking to Shakespeare Garden, enter the park at W 81st St. and walk along the paths till you get to the internal park road. From here turn right (S) and walk until you see the "Swedish Cottage" on your left. The Garden is behind the cottage. If you cross S of over the road that goes across the park, you've gone too far South.
Drinks and Cake Following the Ceremony : "North West" Just a block or so west of the wedding. 392 Columbus Ave. We will be upstairs which involves probably asking the staff to show you the staircase as its somewhat hidden.
Beverly's Graduation 7PM : Rockefeller Center, for those not attending there is no shortage of things to do. Some, like a broadway show, take some advance planning. We recently saw Avenue Q and can recommend it.
Thursday July 1st
Breakfast 10AM : Join us for breakfast at the Hudson Hotel