Scrawls from Preston...

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Tue 10 February 2009

Reading Django's Docs on iPhone

I'm trying to squeeze the process of learning Django into my busy life, but keep getting distracted by little projects around making the learning easier, rather than actually messing with Django proper (That should change soon). Anyway, while the official [Django docs]( are readable on the iPhone - I wanted something a bit better. So you can build the docs from the Django SVN source, and then if you want you can run [this patch]( that only affects the CSS files.

cd django-trunk

patch -p0 < path-to-patch

You will also need to remove the file reset-fonts-grids.css from the static folder.

The changes were quick and hacky - but do make the pages a bit more readable (larger font) and prevent the code examples from getting chopped off on the right side. I've put up a current snapshot [here]( but don't plan on keeping them updated. For that I'm using [AirSharing]( on the phone itself.