This version has only been tested to work with Frontier 5.0.1 on MacOS
It will NOT work with late betas of 5.0.2!!!!
Most of the core code is cross platform, but enough UI code is still Mac only so as to be currently unusable on Win32 (although the plan was to eventually complete porting).
I retain copyright on all code and graphics that are original in this project. I will however support the use of this code for the purposes of education, or if an organized group of Frontier developers would like to move this project forward as an open source project.
This material is provided AS IS and no warranty is made. This code should still be considered alpha quality and many bugs remain or features unimplimented. Please DO NOT email me with support questions they will be ignored, however is serious developers are interested in developing this code, or just in understanding a technique used - I will try to respond to those requests.
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