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Al's Paddling Page
"This is a page that you can use to get current info before you set out on that trip to the Gauley River, the New River, of the Yugh. Has links for weather , flow info, and some beta. "
AWA River Project pages
"The river pages are based on AWA's River Inventory which is a comprehensive listing of whitewater
rivers. The inventory started as a compilation of the whitewater rivers that were listed in all available US
guidebooks. It has been updated every few months since its inception (by input from whitewater boaters
across the country), and continues to be updated.
THE centralized site for WW river info! (10/22/95)
Colorado River Flow Information
Up to date text dump of river gauges (8/29/95)
"Flow" River schedule
listings for the Deerfield (10/22/95)
Grand Canyon River Running
A great guide/trip report of the Grand, contains some pictures (10/16/95)
Interactive River Maps of the Youghiogheny near Pittsburgh
A neat demo of what could be done well with a lot of rivers (10/22/95)
Min CA River Flows
National Water Conditions
From USGS contains some good summary info on some rivers - not oriented towards recreation. (10/22/95)
Salt and other flows
Currently contains mainly just the salt river at this site plus a couple links (8/27/95)
South Fork River Conditions
"Daily flows at Chili Bar and weather forecast for the South Fork American River (California) "
St. Francis River, Missouri
State of California Department of Water Resources
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers:North Pacific Division:Seattle District
contains some regional flow info (10/22/95)
U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources of California
US Army Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Pittsburgh District - Water Management
"Water levels for Ohio River tribs. (yough, tygart, cheat and their tribs)
Vallecito Creek
Weather Info
Look for a river statement in your state, not available for all states. (10/22/95)
Western River Information (USA)
Nice table of some wester rivers and the management and permit information for those rivers (10/22/95)
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