About safety equipment:
- learn to use a throwbag, knife, carabiners, and other rescue equipment. The life you save may be a life worth saving.
- Always wear a lifejacket.
- Always wear a helmet when kayaking or when rafting anything > class II
- Read the river guidebook -- but remember that it's no substitute for scouting
- Don't hesitate to portage any section; ignore peer pressure to run
- Have proper safety gear, including throw bag, river knife, carabiners.
- Hypothermia can kill you, even in July.
- Don't drink or use controlled substances on the river; if being out there isn't enough of a high, get another hobby
- Consider taking a class to learn basics well.
- Consider taking a safety class.
- Always wear a lifejacket.
- Always wear a lifejacket.
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