The first attraction of the day was a blowhole just southeast of our launch site. As the swell rises and cuts off the enterance to the sea cave the air pressure builds till it explodes with a lound "buff" (boof en ingles).
The sun was starting to come out. We explored several other coves before coming upon the second attraction for the day, a rock normally covered with Sea Lions. The "welcoming comittee" came out to greet us there as we watched others jump down the 30 ft. cliffs and swim down the temporary waterfalls made by the swells battering up the rock. It amazed me that they could get back on the rock when the swells were so strong, but they managed somehow.
When we got back a few of the peole in closed deck boats tried a little rock garden shoot and learned what its like to flip over.
After some left over lasagna and M&Ms we loaded up the boats. And posed for the obligatory group photo.
By this time the sun was out, and the cove was looking more an more like paradise. Will certainly have to come back here!
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