Monday, July 24, 2000
9:40:34 AM

Photos from an overnight trip down Kings Canyon in the Sierra Nevada
(Check out Alex's Gallery of this same trip)
Tuesday, July 18, 2000
9:32:14 AM

Its the time of year when this moth seems to be hatching in large numbers - we have seen no less than 8 of these in the house in the last few days. There is some beautiful detail in their wings.
Tuesday, July 11, 2000
12:01:12 PM
 Trip report story and pictures of Isla San Martin, a volcanic Baja island off San Quintin
Wednesday, July 05, 2000
3:40:00 PM
 Went out seeking some remote S. Swell surf in the Channel Islands Fri/Saturday with my friend Randy and his son Josh. These are some great island not far off Santa Barbara which I've only been able to get out to a couple times. The surf wasn't epic, but had some great set waves. Here is a pic of Randy extracting his UFO surf boat from his board bag on the South coast of Santa Rosa Island.